Monsters - Motion Poetry
In adapting Dorothea Lasky’s poem into an animated short, Method visualized a simple story told by a young girl as her dreams and reality converge. Artists created a painterly, slightly gothic aesthetic reminiscent of moving Van Gogh artwork. Method achieved a 2D animation effect by applying the type of FX typically used for explosions and similar activities, to 3D animation in a highly technical workflow.
A Film by: Method Design
Directed by: Ivan Girard
Creative Director: Jon Noorlander
CG Supervisor: Ivan Guerrero
Executive Producer: Angela Lupo
Producers: Emily Schaeberle, Adrienne Mitchell, Heather Saunders
Coordinator: Elias Bermudez
CG Lead: Sari Rodrig
Animators: Matt Hackett, Will Robinson, Sean Curran, Carlos Sandoval, Paul Wei, Sam Crees
Rigging: Ohan Bracha, Frank Naranjo
Modelers: Brian Di Noto, Orges Kokoshari, Piotr Glabinski, Ohad Bracha
Lighters: Claire Yawen Chang, Hubert Wozniak, Kevin Lu, Michael Marsek, Eric Xi
FX Lead: Tomas Slancik
FX Artists: Zach Lewis, Jeongyeon Son, Vraja Parra
Compositing Lead: Robert Nick Dauphinais
Compositing: Dave Chen, Urpsh Otashevich